You Season 1 Review
Yeah yeah, I know I'm late to this, and I also know this isn't about a book...or the update on the challenge that I started... but bear with me.

Year: 2018
Based on the novel by Caroline Kepnes, with the same name as the series
Genres: Crime, Drama, Thriller
Rating on IMDB: 7.8/10
My Rating: 8/10
My Review/Thoughts:
So here I was struggling on of those guilty ridden breaks I so often take from studying, searching for something to watch when I remembered "Oh yes, I never ended up finishing that You show with the creepy psycho/stalker that used to be Gossip Girl!" (hope I didn't just spoil anyone, I mean if you didn't know that, where were you living? Under a rock?)
Before jumping right where I had left off (beginning of season two), I decided to rewatch the last episodes of the first season.
And damn, did I forget about that last episode!
Somebody needs to explain to me how did I forget Beck's poem. This time around, I watched it two times in a row, bawling my eyes out.
If I'm being completely honest, I used to see Beck and immediately started doing facepalms. I just couldn't seem to connect to the character, was always thinking she kept contradicting herself, was kinda shallow, and the question of how couldn't she see what was right in front of her? kept leaving my mouth.
"How the hell did you ended up here? (...) You vowed to stop believing in fairy tales but the stories were in you, deep as poison. If Prince Charming was real, if he could save you (...) When would he come? (...) You learned you didn't have whatever magic turns a beast into a prince (...) now in his castle you understand Prince Charming and Bluebeard are the same man (...) Didn't you want to be loved? Didn't you want him to crown you? Didn't you ask for it? DIDN'T YOU ASK FOR IT?
Yes, the poem scene. The whole idea behind the meaning of her changed for me. It was such a brilliant and painful to watch moment because I realized how real the whole character actually was. So yes, tears were shed and I felt the need to absorb it all one more time. And you guessed it...more tears were shed. AGAIN. Beck, please consider this my official apology for not getting what you meant before you put it out for me in such a sad, poetic way.
Another thing I also loved about that last episode was the acting. I'm not saying that there was something wrong with it for the rest of the season. But that last episode needed a hell of good acting to be what it turned out to be.
As for the rest of the season...
I remember thinking the first episodes were a bit slow, but they were setting the pace for what was to come, and throughout I felt that common awesome thing we find in thrillers. Like a roller coaster. That feeling at the start where you are slowly climbing it, picturing getting all the way up just to get that rush of getting all the way down really fast, feeling your heart beating like crazy.
I would totally recommend this season to anyone who likes this type of thrillers, that slowly build themselves to something you weren't actually expecting.
And that's it, folks!
I have heard a lot of good things from season two so I have some expectations... Let's see when I finally finish it, I might come back here with a new post. You can also find me on Instagram and Goodreads in the meantime if you want.
(Bad joke Ahah, I know *facepalms once again*)
Wish you all the best,